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Mr. Kelly's grade six class used library resources to research ancient civilizations and create time travel companies. Read about it at time travel company projects.
Grade 4 students perform a reading of "The Jazz Fly". Last semester Mr. Kelly's students read and practiced reciting "The Jazz Fly". They made this video using Photo Booth and iMovie. You can find out more about the author Matthew Gollub here. Grade 6 students Mr. Kelly's class researched animals from around the world and made their very own world zoos. Students created their own movies introducing their zoos. You can see their projects at Grade 6 World Zoo Tour Project . This project was possible due to the print, e-resources and technology from the English library program. Let's all work together and encourage the school to support 21st century education for all students. Australian ZooAustralian Zoo from Tokos Library on Vimeo. North American Zoo North American Zoo from Tokos Library on Vimeo. Asian Zoo |