Thanks to another brilliant Tokos Library initiative (Thank you Mr. Kelly) the teachers now have child friendly digital cameras for check-out to the English teachers. Thank you Mr. Kelly for purchasing and organising the cameras for the teachers and children to check out !
The cameras will allow the children to develop new skills and give them another meaningful way to use English inside and outside the classroom. Jump >HERE< for more student created media. Thanks to another brilliant Tokos Library initiative (Thank you Mr. Kelly) the teachers now have child friendly digital cameras for check-out to the English teachers. Thank you Mr. Kelly for purchasing and organising the cameras for the teachers and children to check out !
The cameras will allow the children to develop new skills and give them another meaningful way to use English inside and outside the classroom. Jump >HERE< for more student created media. Attention teachers, students and parents. The PebbleGo site is no longer an automatic login. You must type in the Username & Password.
The Username is: tokos The Password is _ _ _ _. Please ask your child's English teacher if you have forgotten. The change was requested by the PebbleGo company. |