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Students should return all books to the library next week. Students may not borrow books during the spring holiday. 또한 봄 방학 동안에는 책을 대출 할 수가 없습니다.
If a book has been lost, there is a ¥2000 replacement fee. 만약 책을 분실했거나 훼손시켰다면 2,000엔의 새 책 구입비를 지불해야 합니다. Parents can chose to purchase the lost book themselves to avoid this fee. The book purchased must be identical to the book that was lost. Please check with Mr. Kelly before purchasing a replacement for the lost book. 잃어버린 책에 관해서는Amazon Japan이나 The Book Depository UK 사이트에서 구입하셔도 됩니다. 대신 그 책과 완전하게 동일한 책이어야 하기 때문에 구입 전에 Mr. Kelly와 상의를 해주시기 바랍니다. The temporary problem with PebbleGo has been corrected. You may now logon as normal. Thank you for your patience.
Thanks to another brilliant Tokos Library initiative
(Thank you Mr.Kelly) the teachers now have child friendly digital cameras for check-out to the English teachers. Thank you Mr. Kelly for purchasing and organising the cameras for the teachers and children to check out ! The cameras will allow the children to develop new skills and give them another meaningful way to use English inside and outside the classroom. Jump >HERE< for more student created media. Thanks to another brilliant Tokos Library initiative (Thank you Mr.Kelly) the teachers now have child friendly digital cameras for check-out to the English teachers. Thank you Mr. Kelly for purchasing and organising the cameras for the teachers and children to check out ! The cameras will allow the children to develop new skills and give them another meaningful way to use English inside and outside the classroom. Jump >HERE< for more student created media. PebbleGo is temporarily offline. We are working to fix the problem. Thank you for your patience.
Mr. Kelly's grade six class used library resources to research ancient civilizations and create time travel companies. Read about it at time travel company projects.
Congratulations to all the students who read more than one hundred books and completed reader responses for each one. We ate pepperoni pizza. We watched the movie Wreck-It Ralph.