Monday, November 4th: American School in Japan Tuesday, November 5th: Nishmachi International School Wednesday, November 6th: Tokyo Korean School Thursday, November 7th: St. Mary’s Boys School Friday, November 8th: International School of the Sacred Heart Monday, November 11th: New International School & YMCA International School |
Read 5 Picture Books for 1 vote, 1 badge, and 1 raffle ticket. Read 4 Graphic Novels for 1 vote, 1 badge, and 1 raffle ticket. Read 3 Chapter Books for 1 vote, 1 badge, and 1 raffle ticket. There will be lots of prizes to win in the Sakura Medal raffle! See this post over on Visit the English library and check out some spooky, Halloween books. Be careful, or a giant spider might come sit on your head!!
학부모님들께, 2학기부터 4, 5, 6학년 학생들을 대상으로 영어 도서관에서 디지털 스토리텔링 수업을 하기로 결정을 하였습니다. 수업은 켈리 선생님에 의해 진행될 것입니다. 학생들은 MAC 컴퓨터와 프로그램을 이용해 이야기를 만들게 됩니다. 그리고 이야기는 디지털 자료와 합쳐져서 하나의 짧은 영화로 완성이 됩니다. 수업 과정은 영어로 진행되나 교사가 영어를 가르치는 수업은 아닙니다. 따라서 성공적으로 목표에 도달하기 위해서는 학생들이 최소한의 영어 능력을 갖고 있어야 하며, 수업을 듣는 모든 학생들의 영어 실력이 비슷해야 합니다. 한 반에 열 명의 학생들로 두 반을 만들 계획이며, 각 반은 주당 한 번(40분)의 수업을 듣게 됩니다. 월요일이나 목요일에 수업을 할 예정입니다. 1학기에는 학기 초에 친 영어 시험을 토대로 상위 18명의 학생들이 수업을 받았습니다. 2학기에도 같은 방식으로 학생들을 선발하나, 1학기에 수업을 받은 학생들은 제외하고 선발할 것입니다. 또한 동시간에 방과후 수업을 듣는 학생들도 참가하지 못할 것입니다. 학교의 방침은 학기별로 새로운 학생들이 수업을 받을 수 있도록 하는 것입니다. 또한 교사 여건, 시간, 와이파이 접속과 MAC 컴퓨터의 개수 등 학교의 여건 문제도 고려해 주셨으면 합니다. 이 수업과 미래의 다른 수업들이 더 발전하기 위해 학부모님들의 인내와 이해를 부탁드리는 바입니다. 감사합니다. 동 경 한 국 학 교 장 Dear Parents, In the coming semester the English library we will be offering a Digital Storytelling class to students in grades four, five and six. The class will be taught by Mr. Kelly. It involves using Apple Mac computers and the web 2.0 tool to create a written narrative. This narrative is combined with digital content to create a short movie. It is being taught in English however it does not involve English instruction. To successfully meet the goals of this class it is crucial that students have a minimum level of English proficiency and that all students in the class are of similar English ability. There will be two groups of ten students each. Each group will attend one forty minute class each week. The classes will be on Monday or Thursday. In the previous semester this class was offered to the eighteen students who scored the highest on the English placement test given at the beginning of the term. In the second semester the selection process will be the same. Students who have already taken the class will not be eligible to take this class again this school year. Students who are already enrolled in an after-school class are also not eligible. Our hope is to offer the class to a new group of students in the semester following winter break with the same selection criteria. Please keep in mind that our resources; teacher availability, time, wifi access and MAC computers are limited. It is our hope, that over time and with careful planning more opportunities similar to this one can be created and offered to more students. We ask for parents patience and understanding as we work to create and develop the curriculum for this and other classes in the future. Sincerely, Michael Kelly Download a copy of this letter <here>.Mr. Kelly and Mr. Stacey happily attended the Tokyo International Book Fair. We saw so many interesting books and made some new friends. Please be informed of the following schedule for the English library. The last day for students to check-out books is Friday, July 5th. All books must be returned to the library by Wednesday, July 17th. The English library is open for after-school reading and studying until Wednesday, July 17th. The English library is closed for students from Thursday, July 18th. The library volunteers will be doing an inventory of books on this day. |