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EdutopiaEdutopia is dedicated to transforming the learning process by helping educators implement the strategies below. These strategies -- and the educators who implement them -- are empowering students to think critically, access and analyze information, creatively problem solve, work collaboratively, and communicate with clarity and impact.
PBS TeachersPBS Teachers has online resources, video content and lesson plans for all subjects and grade levels. Especially helpful is the online professional development.
Reading RocketsA multimedia literacy initiative offering information and resources on how young kids learn to read, why so many struggle, and how caring adults can help.
American Psychological AssociationArticles on a wealth of topics are available from the APA. Elementary and secondary school teachers can apply a wealth of psychological research in their classrooms.
American Library AssociationThe American Library Association (ALA) has collected, evaluated and categorized various websites. They are sorted by subject and level.
Web-safe SearchOperated by the School of Library and Information Science (SLIS) at Kent State University. Searches can be done by category, alphabetically, and dewey decimal classification. The search results are limited but useful.
Video has a big libraryof more than 250 original films and 30,000 photographs from around the world. It provides access to live animal webcams.
Web-safe SearchThis site returns a filtered google search. It's results are broader than the other sites below. While the results are filtered for the kids safety, each individual site has not been reviewed.
Limited advertising will appear at the top of the search results. |
Learning MediaInnovative digital content is designed for educators to engage students and inspire learning. Sign up today for free, instant access to the best of public media (videos, interactives, audio, photos, and in-depth lesson plans)!
Read, Write, ThinkExcellent resources, lesson plans and ideas for teaching reading and writing.
IlluminationsIlluminations provides materials that illuminate the vision for school mathematics set forth in Principles and Standards for School Mathematics, Curriculum Focal Points for Prekindergarten through Grade 8 Mathematics, and Focus in High School Mathematics: Reasoning and Sense Making. From the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. American Association for the